
  • 27 Jul, 2024

Can you see the Big 5 in Chobe?

Can you see the Big 5 in Chobe?

Discover the wildlife wonders of Chobe National Park. Learn about the iconic Big 5 and find out if you can spot them on your African safari adventure. Plan your trip today!

Chobe National Park in Botswana is home to 4 (four) of the Big Five game animals, namely elephant, lion, leopard, and buffalo. However, rhinoceros are not present in the park due to poaching in the past.

That being said, while the Big Five are a popular attraction for many safari-goers, there are many other species of wildlife to see in Chobe National Park. The park is particularly known for its large herds of elephants, which can be seen gathering around the Chobe River during the dry season. Visitors may also see other large mammals such as giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, and various antelope species, as well as numerous bird species.

It's important to note that wildlife sightings can be unpredictable and may depend on various factors such as the time of day, season, weather and location within the park. A guided tour or safari can help increase your chances of seeing the Big Five and other wildlife, as experienced guides know the best spots and times to look for different species.

What is the best time of day to see the Big Five in Chobe?

The best time of day to see the Big Five in Chobe National Park can vary depending on the species and the season. Here are some general guidelines:


Lions are most active during the early morning and late afternoon, when temperatures are cooler. They typically spend much of the day resting in shade, so early morning and late afternoon game drives or safaris may offer the best chances of seeing lions on the move.


Leopards are more elusive than lions and tend to be active during the early morning and late afternoon as well. They are often found in trees or hiding in dense vegetation, so a knowledgeable guide can help spot them.


Elephants can be seen throughout the day, but they are most active during the early morning and late afternoon when temperatures are cooler. During the dry season, large herds of elephants gather around the Chobe River to drink and bathe, offering excellent opportunities for sightings.


Buffalos are active during the early morning and late afternoon, but they can also be seen throughout the day. They often gather in large herds, which can make them easier to spot.

What other animals will I see in Chobe?

Chobe National Park in Botswana is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including mammals, birds, reptiles, and more. On top of the big 4 mentioned above, here are some other animals you may see during your visit to Chobe:


Hippos can be seen in the Chobe River and other waterways in the park. They are most active at night but can be spotted during the day as well.


Crocodiles are also found in the Chobe River and other waterways in the park. They can often be seen basking on the banks or swimming in the water.


Giraffes are tall and distinctive animals that can be seen in Chobe National Park. They often feed on acacia trees and can be seen stretching their long necks to reach the leaves.


Zebras are another common sight in Chobe National Park, with their distinctive black-and-white stripes.


Several different species of antelopes can be seen in Chobe National Park, including impalas, kudus, and waterbucks.


Chobe National Park is home to several species of primates, including baboons, which can often be seen foraging for food in trees and on the ground.


Warthogs are a common sight in Chobe National Park, where they can be seen grazing on grass and roots.


Hyenas are nocturnal animals that can be seen in Chobe National Park after dark. They are often heard making their distinctive laughing calls, which can be heard from some distance away.


Jackals are small carnivores that can be seen in Chobe National Park, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon.


Chobe National Park is home to over 450 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Some of the birds you may see include African fish eagles, kingfishers, storks, and vultures.

It's important to note that wildlife sightings can be unpredictable and may depend on various factors such as weather, time of year, and location within the park. A knowledgeable guide or ranger can help increase your chances of spotting different species and provide more information about the animals in Chobe National Park.