
  • 27 Jul, 2024

Elephant Interaction Experience - Everything You Should Know

Elephant Interaction Experience - Everything You Should Know

Elephant Interaction in Victoria Falls is an activity that allows visitors to feed the elephants, take photos with them, learn about their behavior and habitats on a guided tour.

Stepping into an elephant safari in Victoria Falls is like entering into a world of giants. These gentle yet powerful animals roam the Zimbabwean countryside, and interacting with them provides an unforgettable experience.

Victoria Falls, located at the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, is home to a thriving elephant population. The Victoria Falls region offers some of the best opportunities for close encounters with wild elephants, and for an up close and personal experience, elephant safari experience gives you a close intimacy with a group of trained elephants.

Elephant Safari Experience

An elephant safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that allows visitors to ride on the back of an elephant while exploring the African bush. You get picked up for either morning experience or afternoon session, and you will be transferred to reach the elephant camp, passing through typical African savannah countryside. The grasslands are dotted with acacia trees, and animals such as impalas, warthogs and occasionally giraffes can be seen grazing. Upon reaching the elephant camp, you will be greeted by the sight of a huge bull elephants, grazing contentedly on leaves and branches.

The experience begins with an introduction to the elephants, where visitors learn about their habits, diet and behavior. The mahouts, or elephant handlers, demonstrate how to safely interact with the elephants. Visitors are then given the opportunity to interact with the elephants, feeding them and taking photos with them.

The highlight of the elephant safari includes interacting with the elephants, touching and walking side by side with the elephants, feeding the elephants and taking pictures with the elephants. The experience takes visitors through the African bush, where they can enjoy the natural beauty of the area while being guided by experienced elephant handlers.

Interaction with Elephants

Interacting with elephants is a unique and unforgettable experience. Elephants are intelligent and social animals, and they have a strong bond with their handlers. Visitors can interact with the elephants by feeding them, touching them, and taking photos with them.

Feeding Elephants

Feeding elephants is a great way to interact with them. Elephants are herbivores, and they eat a variety of plants, including grass, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. Visitors are given the opportunity to feed the elephants, and they can watch as the elephants use their trunks to pick up food and bring it to their mouths.

Touching Elephants

Touching elephants is also a unique experience. Elephants have a rough and leathery skin that is surprisingly sensitive. Visitors can touch the elephants and feel the texture of their skin. They can also feel the strength of the elephants as they move around.

Taking Photos with Elephants

Taking photos with elephants is a great way to capture the memory of the elephant safari. Visitors can take photos with the elephants while they are feeding or while they are walking side by side with them. The photos are a great way to remember the experience and share it with others.

Duration of the Elephant Safari

The duration of the elephant safari last between 45 minutes to an hour. The overall turnover time is three hours.

Times of the Day for Elephant Safaris

Elephant safaris are usually conducted in the early morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are cooler. The cooler temperatures are more comfortable for the elephants, and they are more active during these times of the day.

Interesting Facts about Elephants

Elephants are fascinating animals, and there are many interesting facts about them that visitors can learn during the elephant safari. Here are some of the most interesting facts about elephants:

  1. Elephants are the largest land animals in the world and can weigh up to 6 tons.
  2. Elephants can live up to 70 years in the wild.
  3. Elephants have a highly developed social structure and are known to mourn their dead.
  4. Elephants have a very good memory and can remember other elephants and places for many years.
  5. Elephants have a unique communication system that includes vocalizations, body language, and even infrasonic sounds that are below the range of human hearing.
  6. Elephants are intelligent animals and have been observed using tools, solving problems and even exhibiting empathy towards other animals.
  7. Female elephants live in tight knit family groups led by the oldest matriarch, who teaches the younger females survival skills.
  8. Elephant herds follow precise daily routines, walking to water holes at dawn and dusk and grazing during the day.


An elephant safari in Victoria Falls is a unique and unforgettable experience that allows visitors to interact with these magnificent creatures. Visitors can feed, touch, and take photos with the elephants while exploring the African bush. The elephant safari are usually conducted in the early morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are cooler. Visitors can also learn interesting facts about elephants during the elephant safari, including their social structure, communication system, and intelligence. Overall, an elephant safari in Victoria Falls is a must-do activity for anyone visiting the area.