
  • 20 May, 2024

How to transfer from Victoria Falls to Chobe?

How to transfer from Victoria Falls to Chobe?

Traveling between Victoria Falls and Chobe Kasane? Make your transfer hassle-free with our step-by-step guide. Get it from us on how move between Victoria Falls and Chobe!

There are several ways to transfer from Victoria Falls to Chobe, which is located in northeastern Botswana. Here are a few options:

1. Road transfer: One of the most common ways to transfer from Victoria Falls to Chobe is by road transfer. You can hire a private transfer, take a shared shuttle, or book a tour that includes transportation. You will pass through Zambezi national park in Zimbabwe between Victoria Falls and the border. The drive takes around 1-2 hours, depending on the exact starting and destination point as well as the speed for border crossing procedures (passport stamping, visa, etc). You will need to cross the border between Zimbabwe and Botswana at the Kazungula Border Post, which can be a bit time-consuming.

2. Fly-in transfer: Another option is to take a fly-in transfer between Victoria Falls and Kasane, which is the nearest town to Chobe. There are direct flights available from Victoria Falls Airport to Kasane Airport. From there, you can take a transfer to your accommodation in Chobe.

The best transfer option for you will depend on your budget, travel time, and preferences. It's a good idea to research and compare different options to find the one that suits you best.